A few of the things I believe...
EVERY HUMAN BEING IS CREATED FOR A PURPOSE and it is a lifetime goal to ascertain what that purpose is and work to accomplish it.
EVERY CHILD IS BORN WITH A GIFT which parents or caregivers and educators help to uncover.
WE ARE GOVERNED BY A HIGHER POWER and in my case that power is God who directs my paths and enables me to achieve my purpose.
REGARDLESS OF RACE, CREED, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN people are born with four personality or temperament types, which, if understood, make communication much easier.
RELATIONSHIPS ARE EVERYTHING whether they are spiritual, familial, or workplace relationships.
FAR MORE CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED if one’s attitude about life is positive rather than negative.
PEOPLE HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF ACHIEVING THEIR GOALS if they believe themselves capable and have a viable plan for doing so.
IT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU IN LIFE, it is how you deal with what happens to you.

Marcia L. Tate
Marcia L. Tate, EdD, is the former Executive Director of Professional Development for the DeKalb County School System, Decatur, Georgia. During her 30-year career with the district, she has been a classroom teacher, reading specialist, language arts coordinator, and staff development executive director. She received the 2001 Distinguished Staff Developer Award for the State of Georgia and her department was chosen to receive the Exemplary Program Award for the state.
Marcia is currently an educational consultant and has taught over 450,000 administrators, teachers, parents, and business and community leaders throughout the world. She is the author of the following eight best-sellers: (1) Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies that Engage the Brain – (3nd Ed.); “Sit & Get” Won’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Professional Learning Strategies that Engage the Adult Brain – (2nd Ed.); (3) Reading and Language Arts Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Literacy Strategies that Engage the Brain – (2nd Ed.); (4) Shouting Won’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Techniques to Detour Around the Danger Zones – (2nd Ed.); (5) Mathematics Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites – 20 Numeracy Strategies That Engage the Brain and (6) Preparing Children for Success in School and Life: 20 Ways to Increase Your Child’s Brain Power; (7) Science Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain; and (8) Social Studies Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites: 20 Instructional Strategies That Engage the Brain. Participants in her workshops refer to them as some of the best ones they have ever experienced since Marcia uses the 20 strategies outlined in her books to actively engage her audiences.
Marcia received her bachelor’s degree in psychology and elementary education from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned her Master’s degree in remedial reading from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, her specialist degree in educational leadership from Georgia State University and her doctorate in educational leadership from Clark Atlanta University. Spelman College awarded her the Apple Award for excellence in the field of education.
Marcia is married to Tyrone Tate and is the proud mother of three children: Jennifer, Jessica, and Christopher; and six grandchildren: Aaron, Adian, Christian, Maxwell, Roman. And Shiloh.
Revised 1/28/16